AN eight-year-old York boy, who has stayed cheerful despite treatment for a serious eye condition, has been nominated for our Kool Kidz Awards.

We are searching for 100 remarkable youngsters who have shown courage, or who care for others, to attend a special performance of this year's York Theatre Royal panto, Babbies In The Wood, with Berwick Kaler.

Nominations have already started coming in, including one for Marcus Ness, from the Water Lane area.

He was nominated by his mum and dad, Judith and Chris, and his sister Jordan, 12.

Judith said Marcus had been diagnosed with a serious eye condition called uveitis, which had affected his sight.

She said: "After numerous blood and eye tests carried out in York, Halifax and Great Ormond Street hospitals, he's been put on a lot of medication, including steroids but never complains about having to take it. He had a steroid injection in one eye and was on intravenous steroids for three days. He wore glasses for a while and an eye patch for one hour each night.

"His eye pressure was so low, we were told any knock on his head would cause him to lose his sight. He had to give up his beloved football and couldn't do any activities at school. His friends and school were a great support to him.

"His right eye is OK and some sight has returned to his left eye and the inflammation is slowly dying down. The medication will continue for at least another year to keep the condition under control.

"We all want to nominate Marcus because he has been through a really tough time this year and has had to put up with such a lot.

"We want him to know we appreciate how hard it's been for him, having to give up his football for a few months, when that's his main passion in life. "

The Kool Kidz Awards are intended for children who might have overcome some personal or family adversity; fought an illness or difficult time with courage; committed an act of bravery or selflessness; cared for another person or in some way contributed to the good of the community.

The Kool Kidz panto performance will be on December 10.

If you are 16 and under and want to enter our th awards, or if you want to nominate a young person for them, tell us about it in less than 200 words and send it as soon as possible to: Kool Kidz, c/o Janet Hewison, Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN, or email

You may give extra details on a separate sheet enclosed with your coupon. Remember if you are nominating yourself that you need your parents' permission before doing so.

The usual York & County Press competition rules apply. Employees of York & County Press and York Theatre Royal and their families may not enter. There is no cash alternative to the awards.

The editor's decision is final.

No correspondence will be entered into.

Updated: 11:54 Friday, July 26, 2002