WHEN a Young Farmers Club celebrated its 70th birthday, founder member Frank Flintoft was proud to be present.

Uncle Frank, as he is known throughout Ryedale, was just 15 when the club was inaugurated in 1932.

The Helmsley and district YFC was called the Calf Club in those days, says Mr Flintoft, who now lives in Rievaulx.

Out of the 100 past and present members who gathered to celebrate the anniversary, at the Feathers Hotel in Helmsley, Mr Flintoft was the only founding member present.

"This meant a great deal to me," said Mr Flintoft. "I gave a brief account on the life of the Calf Club member as it was 70 years ago."

The rearing, feeding and showing of calves was one of the club's aims and cattle judging was the chief purpose.

"I am still very proud to have a lovely bronze medallion that I and Willy Kirby, another member, won at York Christmas Fatstock Show and sale in December 1935."

The Calf Club also competed against other clubs at the Great Yorkshire Show when it was held at Beverley. In those early days, says Frank, the club was affiliated to Leeds University.

"I also hold many old documents from the early days. Supper for 135 guests, three bandsmen, two cloakroom attendants came to £5.9s.0d, as one example.

"I have a record of a whist drive with 54 tables playing whist and a Yorkshire ham as first prize, a profit of over £14 going to club funds."

By 1939, with a membership of 36 members, the uncertainty of things in Europe and the outbreak of the Second World War, it was decided to close the club down.

After the war, in 1946, the club was reborn with a new name - Helmsley & District Young Farmers Club. There were now county officers at Northallerton and executive committee meetings at Thirsk.

"By this time, I was married and had a family ready to join as members." In 1958, Mr Flintoft helped organise the first post-war show and sale, with 14 calves and the first ploughing match.

"The ploughing match is now one of the best, with many competitors," he said. "I was made joint club leader in 1963 and held this office for the next 20 years. Then I was greatly honoured to be made president of Ryedale Young Farmers, in 1975, for the next 20 years."

Mr Flintoft was also president of the Helmsley YFC from 1982 for 18 years. He is a life member of the County of Yorkshire YFC, of Ryedale District YFC and Helmsley YFC.

Mr Flintoft added: "I am more than grateful to think that after all these years I am still able to take a small part in running the club and still attend the county executive meetings.

"May the Helmsley club still continue to flourish and uphold its good name for many years to come."

Updated: 09:30 Thursday, July 25, 2002