RESIDENTS of a York suburb, where the council once heightened a road sign rather than trim the verges that obscured it, say they have been forced to "grass" on the council.

People living in North Lane, Huntington, are calling on City of York Council to cut the grass that threatens to obscure the speed limit sign again.

They say they want to avoid a repeat of the events of 1996, when instead of cutting the grass the council made national news by adding four feet to the road sign's height.

Bemused resident Carol Kay said: "The whole thing is just ridiculous. Year after year we have to fight to get our grass cut.

"We have contacted the council a few times this year. Each time we are told someone will sort it and come back to us, but nothing happens.

"I told them I'd ring the Evening Press and would prefer not to have to, but it seems to be the only way to get the job done.

"The grass is nearly obscuring the sign. We are wondering if it is time for them to raise the pole by another four feet.

Lifelong Huntington resident Christine Harrison said: "It can get overgrown down there, and when it does something should be done.

"The answer though is not to heighten the sign. Obviously the answer is to get the grass cut."

Huntington ward councillor Peter Vaughan said the situation would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

He said: "The only solutions are to get the new strain of GM grass that shrinks when it rains, or we get a proper delivery of the contract - the sooner the better."

Parish councillor Eurig Thomas said: "It is close to a repetition of the absurd situation we saw in 1996. It is like something written by Gilbert and Sullivan."

A spokesman for City of York Council said the grass would be cut very soon.

He said: "This area of Huntington is covered by the grass cutting round which is under way at the moment and so the grass around this sign should be cut imminently."

Updated: 10:36 Saturday, June 29, 2002