ON March 28 a proposal to build a block of 146 flats on the old NCP car park site in Skeldergate was considered by planning committee.

The following day, the committee's unanimous decision to refuse the application was reported in the Evening Press. The grounds for refusal were that the height, massing and scale of the scheme would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the conservation area because they ignored the scale, proportion, details and materials of the existing two-storey terraced houses around the site.

As was to be expected in the present climate of frenzied flat-building, the developers have decided to appeal against the council's refusal of their scheme. There will be a public inquiry, probably in autumn.

In the meantime, anyone who is concerned to maintain the human scale of our city and protect it from the further proliferation of monolithic blocks of flats still has the opportunity to register opposition. They can write a letter, making their views known, to The Secretary of State, Department of the Environment, Room 325 Hawk Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.

The appeal is registered under the heading 'NCP Car Park, Skeldergate, York', reference: APP/C2741/A/02/1090976 and letters should quote these details.

I urge everyone who is concerned about these flats to get writing, and add their weight to the protection of our historic city.

We have here a rare chance to support the council and encourage them for having done the right thing for once in refusing this oversize and inappropriate development.

Alison Sinclair,

Norfolk Street,

Bishopthorpe Road,


Updated: 08:27 Saturday, June 29, 2002