YOUR headline to Peter Stanhope's letter 'Disgusting welcome' (June 26) was exactly what I was thinking when I reached the summit of Ben Nevis on June 24.

Having climbed 4,406ft to the summit of the highest place in the country as part of the National Three Peaks Challenge, I couldn't believe the sight that greeted me.

I reckon it would take at least a week to clear the piles of cans, gas canisters, sweet wrappers, paper, bottles etc left there.

I don't expect to see a litter bin at the summit or for it to be part of a street sweeper's daily cleaning round but I didn't expect it to resemble a landfill site either.

We all have a whinge about the state of our streets, but they do get swept.

So spare a thought for the places such as Ben Nevis that actually don't!

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:40 Friday, June 28, 2002