A MOTHER today told of the love and pride she felt for her baby son, who died in his parents' arms aged just 11 weeks.

Jane Reed, 35, of Clementhorpe, York, said that in his short life, Stephen James had brought love and courage to the whole family.

Stephen was born on April 5 at York District Hospital with a hole in the heart and a serious kidney condition which meant he needed injections three times a week to keep him alive.

He spent the first week of his life at St James's Hospital in Leeds and was then moved to Ward 17 at York, where he spent the rest of his life.

Just as Jane and dad Michael, 41, were beginning to hope he could start coming home for two days a week, Stephen caught an infection in hospital.

Jane said: "There was nothing they could do for him."

Stephen died in his father's arms on Sunday.

"He had beautiful blue eyes, lovely brown hair and the biggest smile," said Jane.

"He hardly ever cried and was always brave and bore his pain gracefully.

"He took with it great courage and great strength and he was very, very determined to grow."

Born weighing just 5lb 12oz, Stephen had grown to weigh 8lb 7oz.

Jane said she had spent the afternoons and evenings at the hospital with Stephen, and Michael had looked after Stephen's brothers and sister, Daniel, four, Michelle, two, and Daniel, one and step-sister Emily, five.

She said they wanted to thank everyone at York and Leeds who had cared for Stephen and asked that any donations be given to the Special Care Baby Unit at York, either in cash or by giving baby clothes and blankets.

Stephen's funeral takes place tomorrow (fri) at 11am at York Cemetery.

Updated: 09:07 Thursday, June 27, 2002