ORGANISERS of North Yorkshire's biggest air show have been ordered to pay more than £5,000 after failing to cover essential policing costs.

North Yorkshire Police took Elvington Leisure Ltd to York County Court in an effort to claim payment for its cover of the 2000 Elvington Air Show.

The court heard the company had now ceased trading, but directors had set up Elvington Events Ltd, which continues to organise the annual event.

Lindsey Hall, for North Yorkshire County Council, acting on behalf of North Yorkshire Police, said: "The company applied in writing for a level of policing for the duration of the air show. The event can't legally go ahead without it.

"That was supplied but, unfortunately, the company did not pay the bill and it ceased trading. The same directors set up a similar company with a different name, Elvington Events, which still organises the air show."

Police last year agreed to provide cover for the event, but insisted on payment in advance.

The North Yorkshire force's events co-ordinator, PC Paul Maloney, said discussions about this year's event were on-going.

The company was ordered to pay £5,744, which included interest accumulated since the money was due and legal costs.

PC Maloney said: "This is ratepayers' money we are playing with and we felt we had to go to court to claim it."

Chris Hudson, who was company secretary for Elvington Leisure Ltd, said: "We had a commercial dispute with the police because we were in disagreement with the level of police staff at the event.

"We have tried to negotiate with the police on a settlement figure, which they haven't been happy about.

"Elvington Leisure Ltd hasn't traded since August 2000 and it has no funds at all. It can't pay the full amount.

"But the air show was run by Elvington Events Ltd last year, and that company will be running it again this year. We have liaised with police and we do have a good relationship."

A police spokesman said today they would continue to press for the cash to be paid.

Updated: 11:51 Thursday, June 27, 2002