YOUR correspondent Lynne J Lea complains about the lack of council action over one incident of dog fouling (June 18).

I assure your readers and Lynne J Lea that City of York Council does take this issue seriously - we provide bins, carry out patrols, investigate, prosecute and organise special cleaning where necessary.

We deal with about 300 complaints about dog fouling every year and deal with them all.

Some do result in prosecution.

A recent survey showed 64 per cent of responding authorities did not prosecute at all last year - whereas we instituted legal proceedings in respect of four residents.

Three people were prosecuted at York Magistrates' Court and fined and one received a formal caution.

In the same survey, 49 per cent had of local authorities had not issued any written warnings, whereas we issued 37.

We also issue verbal warnings and advice to all residents and we have had various campaigns - including posters on buses and bus shelters.

This year we will having another campaign to promote responsible dog ownership including fouling.

Liz Levett,

Trading standards manager,

City of York Council,

St Leonard's Place, York.

Updated: 10:33 Thursday, June 27, 2002