MAJOR retailers are calling for more organic eggs, a gathering of British free range egg producers was recently told.

The advice came from David Trick, the former chairman of the Free Range Egg Producers Association (BFREA). He said that two major retailers are already the prime sellers of organic eggs and, though sales are increasing, supplying these retailers should be possible.

However, he warned, these retailers will expect very high standards of bio security and will not accept short deliveries.

At the meeting in Wakefield, an appeal was made to farmers by Knaresborough producer Peter Chignell to join the BFREA to give producers added strength and a more influential body in the industry.

A NEW book has been produced to help people to pass British Horse Society exams.

The BHS Training Manual for Stage 3 and PTT is available from the BHS (price £14.95) by telephoning the BHS on (08701) 201918 or via web site

Updated: 10:00 Thursday, June 27, 2002