VISITORS at Castle Howard had a sneak preview of this weekend's entertainment as performers gave an impromptu show.

Singer Carol Addy and her husband, trumpeter John, from Some Like It Hot, were at the stately home ahead of the jazz weekend when a group of music lovers asked for a song.

Carol said: "They were being pushed in wheelchairs in the rose garden and they were watching us have our photo taken.

"The young lady who was looking after them asked if I could just sing a little bit, so I thought why not."

Carol and John will be taking part in the lively programme of events, which will include modern and traditional jazz, Latin, swing and Dixieland, at the stately home on Saturday and Sunday, with music from 2pm to 5pm each afternoon.

Music will play in the Boar Garden and listeners will be able to enjoy Pimms, iced tea and iced coffee, which will be served in the Fitzroy cafeteria.

On Saturday, the Mike Reilly Quartet, featuring the legendary "Al Woods", the John Taylor Quartet and the Dixie Syncopators will be starring.

Then on Sunday John Addy's Some Like It Hot, Martin "Mad Dog" Jones, All Stars and Ron Burnett's Mardi Gras jazz band take centre stage.

The performances are included in the normal entrance price and for more information contact Castle Howard on 01653 648444.

Updated: 12:11 Wednesday, June 26, 2002