IT is clear from Jo Haywood's column (June 14), that her friends were treated in an uncaring and unprofessional way by the consultant and staff at their London hospital. However, for her to make the sweeping statements she does about 'derisory service' by the whole NHS is illogical, irresponsible and untrue.

Like many others in this city, I have experienced kind, professional care from my GP and from the staff at York District Hospital.

The compassionate support offered to my family during my mother's last illness from all concerned with her care deserves the highest praise. It must be so demoralising for those in the service who, with dedication and expertise, give of their best day in, day out, and then to read sweeping condemnations like that of your columnist.

Like all human institutions, the NHS is not perfect and, as in the case quoted by Jo Hayward, can fall far below the acceptable standard. However, many of us have experienced very different levels of service.

Veronica Walmsley,

Danebury Drive,

Acomb, York.

Updated: 10:24 Monday, June 24, 2002