YOU report that the Government's solution to the problem of 350,000 illegally dumped cars in Britain every year is to increase the cost to the last owner to nearly £100 (June 18).

Apparently the decision was between charging car owners or the motor industry. There is another beneficiary of car ownership - the Government! During the life of a car the Treasury will probably have received more than its original purchase price in VAT, fuel duty, road fund licence and insurance premium tax, as well as corporation and income taxes from the motor trade.

Far from charging £100, we should be seeing a 'bounty' of £100 paid to an owner surrendering an old banger.

This would solve the problem of wrecks littering the streets and, as a bonus, encourage drivers into newer, more efficient cars.

Keith Wellburn,

The Village,

Strensall, York.

Updated: 10:25 Monday, June 24, 2002