THE midsummer's evening was warm and filled with anticipation, as a friendly crowd of about 4,000 gathered in a glade in the forest.

The fans included followers of all ages, and the scene at first glance looked like a large picnic, with talking, eating and drinking.

But they were there for a boogie-woogie evening, and they were not disappointed.

Opening the concert was Mark Flanagan, singer and rhythm and blues guitarist who has been with Jools and the band since their early years, and who has now brought out his own CD.

His performance finished, and after a short break, Jools was announced.

As he arrived on stage the audience applauded, cheered and rose to their feet, remaining so for the rest of the performance, enjoying a boogie, clapping to the rhythm, and tapping their feet.

The band has 16 members - one vocalist and 15 who play instruments including trumpets, guitars, saxophones, trombones, drums and an organ. Consequently, the stage seemed rather packed.

A piano solo performed by Jools delighted the audience, which would have raised the roof, had there been one.

Other solos included a spectacular performance by Gilson Lavis on drums.

Vocalist Sam Brown sang Valentine Moon, written by herself and Jools, and found on Jools's latest CD, Small World, Big Band.

Three encores at the finish of the performance definitely put the audience "in the mood" for Jools.

Updated: 11:37 Monday, June 24, 2002