STEVE Helsdon's arguments for the necessity of a car (Letters, June 17) are based on false assertions.

"Public transport is expensive": public transport is much cheaper than owning and running a car. So is using taxis frequently and hiring cars several times a year. Do your sums - it was what we found most surprising when we stopped owning a car a few years ago.

"Shopping once a week is not viable without your own car": there are such things as bike trailers, Internet ordering (you can afford the computer if you don't have the car loan repayments) or even taxis.

"Parents drive their children to school because of perverts and traffic": surely a parent on foot can protect children from such dangers just the same, and teach children valuable road safety lessons too.

"Limited carrying space on a bike": once more, use a bike trailer.

Owning and using a car is a choice many people make because it can be so convenient, but there are lots of alternatives if you give them a try.

It won't even be convenient much longer if our roads continue getting more congested.

Nicola Normandale,

Irwin Avenue, York.

Updated: 12:23 Saturday, June 22, 2002