WITH the World Cup on television we thought Sainsbury's might be quiet for a Sunday lunch.

Not so! Fortunately not everyone who shopped chose to eat but this refurbished caf was busy enough. People with loaded trolleys are encouraged to deposit them in lockable cupboards, although at busy times I doubt there would be enough accommodation.

The comprehensive menu is displayed on a wall as you enter the caf. The rules are you select, pay and sit at a table to await the arrival of your food.

First on the servery there was a selection of fresh sandwiches, pastries and cakes. Next an opportunity to collect tea, coffee, soft or alcoholic drinks. Then you order your cooked selection with the cashier, pay and in return receive a number to identify you when the food is ready.

At this point a customer with a barely started meal told the cashier the beans and bacon were cold. Oh dear! However, this was handled politely and it was not long before we saw the same customer receive a replacement.

For £3.99, Ann chose penne nicoise, a dish consisting of tubes of pasta in a classic Italian tomato and herb sauce with green beans, courgettes and black olives. This came with a green salad so much to Ann's liking that we almost toured the store to see if this was a standard supermarket line.

My brunch (£3.99) of fried egg, two sausages, bacon, baked beans (grilled tomato was the alternative) and chips was hot, tasty and satisfying.

So far so good. Now to the pastries, a jam doughnut (60p) for Ann and an almond triangle (£1.30) for me. We both agreed that these items were excellent. Ann completed her lunch with a large cappuccino (£1.60). So full was the cup that I was unable to carry it without slopping in the saucer.

The menu includes jacket potatoes, omelettes, pizza, and panini, and we wouldn't hesitate to have another snack here if the opportunity arose.

The printed menu is clearly one that applies to all the Sainsbury's restaurants. It carried a warning about nut and seed allergies. But I could not believe that a company of Sainsbury's standing spelt Irish whiskey incorrectly!

Updated: 08:32 Saturday, June 15, 2002