I AM sick and tired of the failure of Yorkshire County Cricket Club committees, both general and cricket.

The former have presided over some of the worst decisions in Yorkshire's long and illustrious history (eg revenue, stadia, etc), while the latter stands quietly by as our club not merely slides towards relegation, but positively rushes headlong into virtual oblivion.

Some of the Yorkshire 'greats' in the past and not so distant past must be either turning or spinning in their graves or spitting fury, albeit, it appears silently.

Who cares? Who does anything? What action is proposed or is it all now too late?

I think it is and I propose that at the next annual general meeting club votes of 'total and absolute no confidence' are proposed.

They will be passed, I bet.

Major J B Ansom,

Cherry Tree Avenue,

New Earswick,


Updated: 12:43 Friday, June 21, 2002