VILLAGERS fighting for a cut in rat-running traffic using their streets have taken their campaign to the world wide web.

Members of the Osbaldwick Village and Murton Way Action Group have set up an internet website to highlight their campaign.

The group is demanding traffic-calming measures to deter motorists and HGV drivers using Osbaldwick as a way of escaping congestion in Hull Road.

The group also wants bus operator First to cut the number of services pounding the streets. Villagers claim up to 1,000 buses a week pass their houses - causing a strain on the local environment.

More than 230 residents of Osbaldwick Village and Murton Way have signed a petition to show their concern.

They claim the current traffic levels indicate that the village is being used as a main "trunk road" into York. So far, their concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

Action group member Oliver Starzynski said: "This website highlights the Osbaldwick traffic problem far more effectively than even the petition. I have placed a number of telling pictures on the website that say more than words."

Those who add their names to an on-line petition sign up to three demands, including the implementation of traffic-calming measures at the junction of Link Road and Murton Way, and a reduction in off-peak bus services travelling through the village. Villagers also want traffic chiefs to consider a 30mph speed limit along built-up streets.

Mr Starzynski said: "The main objective of this website is not to finger-point at anyone in particular, but to highlight an ongoing problem.

"Although road works to alter the junction between Murton Way and the Osbaldwick Link Road have commenced, it is important to note that even the officer in charge confirmed that this cannot be really regarded as a 'traffic calming' measure.

"It is very important to keep this campaign's profile high and the website is one of the means to do so."

City of York Council transport chiefs have insisted they are happy with the current bus arrangements, as have bosses at First.

Updated: 11:44 Friday, June 21, 2002