RECENTLY I attended the orthopaedic department of York District Hospital all prepared with something to read and write, while waiting for a more than likely overdue appointment set for 11.40am.

Imagine my delight at having my name called at exactly the right time, just after I'd reported to reception.

I was greeted by a smiling nurse who referred me to a cubicle. Only seconds after she closed the cubicle curtain, it was being drawn open by the appropriate consultant who I was due to see.

He was both professional, friendly and most reassuring. The nurse, too, on my departure ended the visit on exactly the right note.

Before midday, I was walking down the hospital drive, my visit complete. Perhaps the NHS is finally on the up. Thank you for such excellent service.

Wendy Pycock,

Brentwood Crescent,

Badger Hill, York.

Updated: 11:30 Thursday, June 20, 2002