It really is true that New Labour are stealing more and more of the old Tories' clothes. Hugh Bayley's response to the fly-posting of his office windows by The Real Countryside Alliance (Pro-hunting group strikes at MP, June 14) is reminiscent of the response one would have expected from a pompous back-bench Tory MP ten years ago.

After all, what should one expect from an MP who supports a government that continues to ride rough-shod over the conclusions of Lord Burns' inquiry into hunting, does its best to stifle opposition within its own ranks and elsewhere, regards protest as an affront to democracy rather than a valid mid-term check on our representatives, and wanted to allow practically any government body or agency to spy on all our private communications?

Dr Duncan Campbell,

The Shire Counties Sovereignty Committee,

Albemarle Road, York.

Updated: 11:31 Thursday, June 20, 2002