OVERCROWDING on Arriva Trains Northern services is likely to continue well into next year, the company has admitted.

The company needs nine extra two-carriage trains, each with room for more than 200 passengers.

Four units were due to be introduced this autumn, but now will not be brought into service until at least May 2003.

Managing director Euan Cameron admitted: "There won't be a huge impact on overcrowding until then."

The Strategic Rail Authority had promised to provide additional rolling stock. But it cannot borrow units from rail operator Virgin Trains for at least 11 more months.

During the select committee hearing, GNER boss Christopher Garnett complained about the quality of Arriva Trains which run from Harrogate to York.

He said the trains - described as "buses on rail wheels" - were unacceptable to passengers who were completing journeys started on GNER trains.

Mr Cameron said he agreed the trains were not acceptable and unpopular with passengers.

They were inherited from British Rail, he said, and plans were in hand to replace them.

Updated: 11:22 Thursday, June 20, 2002