HEALTH Secretary Alan Milburn has promised to visit the new medical school at the University of York.

He intends to visit the facility, which has been established jointly with Hull University, before it begins taking students next year.

A spokeswoman for the medical school has welcomed the visit, which she said would signal to staff, students, and colleagues in the NHS, that the Government was committed to innovative training of doctors.

Mr Milburn agreed to the visit after a House of Commons invitation from York MP Hugh Bayley.

Speaking at health questions, Mr Bayley said the Health Secretary had made the right choice last year in opting for York and Hull as the site for one of the Government's new medical schools.

He said: "The University of York has consistently come in the top ten universities for the quality of research.

"It already has a world-class track record in research in health economics, epidemiology and social policy, which it will integrate with the clinical studies in the medical school.

"May I offer him an open invitation to stop off in York some time when he is on the train from London to his Darlington constituency, to meet the new dean of the medical school, Professor Gillespie, and see what York will be offering?"

Mr Milburn replied: "After that fulsome tribute, I dare not say no, so I suppose I better take up the offer."

Students will be split between the two sites for their academic training.

They will also be sent to hospitals across North Yorkshire for medical experience.

Mr Milburn said the school would help the Government to meet its target of training an extra 1,700 NHS doctors.

He added: "This is an important break with the past, when adequate investment did not go into medical schools, causing major shortages that we still experience today.

"We now have an opportunity to put that right."

A medical school spokeswoman said: "The Hull York Medical School would be delighted to welcome the Secretary of State for a visit.

"We are looking forward to welcoming our first prospective medical students to open days, and we are offering a three-day package which would include a day at an NHS hospital.

"At the moment, the medical school is at the Alcuin College, at the University of York, but obviously it's going to grow.

"In a few years' time it could conceivably have its own building.

"We would be delighted to welcome Mr Milburn at any time, either at the University of York or at Hull."

Updated: 15:21 Wednesday, June 19, 2002