BRAVE school boy Andrew Melody, a pupil at Poppleton Road Primary School, York, is today's Star of the Week.

Andrew, nine, has been nominated by teacher Pam Young, who is special educational needs co-ordinator at the school. She said he had learning difficulties, speech and language problems, movement difficulties and continual health problems.

"For many months now he has been feeling unwell, and despite having many tests done at the hospital, doctors have been unable to find the cause of this.

"He has more tests to undergo, including a 24-hour EEG. Despite all this Andrew is very popular with all of the pupils, teacher and support staff at Poppleton Road, as well as speech therapists, occupational therapists, inclusion support teachers and tutors and hospital staff, because he is always so cheerful, brave, polite and kind to other people. We know that he is finding things difficult at the moment and we would like him to know how much we care about him and wish him well."

Andrew's class teacher is Nieves Soria and his classroom assistant is Val Atkinson. Pam said: "We would also like to praise Andrew's mum, Anita, who has been a tower of strength for him and has always been so supportive of us."

Andrew receives a £10 electronic gift certificate from Borders in Davygate, York. To nominate your Star of the Week, contact Janet Hewison.

Updated: 09:57 Wednesday, June 19, 2002