MAJOR developers, planners, architects, surveyors, estate agents, builders, lawyers and accountants have banded themselves into the York Property Forum.

The organisations, which all help to change the skyline in the city, are known to have been concerned about the slowness of planning procedures, but the forum's first act today is a conciliatory one.

It formally backed the plans of York City Council to create a strategic planning vision for the future of the city.

More than 40 organisations attended a meeting to launch the new forum at the Quality Inn, Piccadilly. They are involved in some of York's major commercial and residential property developments, including Monks Cross, Clifton Park, Holgate Park, York Business Park, Westgate and the Joseph Rowntree development at Osbaldwick.

John Reeves, of the Helmsley Group, will be acting chairman for six months.

After the launch, the Forum's spokesman, Andrew McBeath, of FPD Savills, of York, said there had been concerns about the slowness of planning procedures, but this was not peculiar to York which was also hampered by lack of staff.

"We are not here to be critical. Rather than creating more problems for the council by forcing it into quicker decisions, we want to use our varied expertise to help and co-operate.

"Our task will be to add to existing communications by creating a bridge for discussions between the public and private sector. We want to help by offering a free consultation service to the planners - and in turn we want to be consulted."

He said the group aimed to promote the positive development of York for the social benefit of the city - and this required an "holistic approach."

Mr McBeath said: "We welcome the setting up by the council of the Local Strategy Partnership Board tasked with defining a clear vision for York's future.

"Members of the York Property Forum have, in the past, witnessed the consequences of those planning decisions that have been made in isolation and been frustrated with the lack of long-term perspective.

"We would welcome the opportunity to work with the Local Strategy Partnership and the council planning department and discuss a range of issues such as the green belt, infrastructure, retail and city centre developments, housing for the homeless and the development of brownfield sites."

The new Forum has set up three working parties to study planning policy, transport and sustainability, liaison and publicity, and social responsibilities, all with the object of coming up with new solutions. The social responsibilities group, under the chairmanship of Martin Foster, of FPD Savills, has already met.

Updated: 09:13 Tuesday, June 18, 2002