A WOMAN twice accosted by an "obscene" clown, who has been harassing women in the centre of York, has told of his lewd antics.

The man, described as having a white painted face, red nose, and wig, and who was dressed in a yellow top hat, yellow shirt and checked trousers, jumped out in front of the woman in Micklegate and made a rude request, and was later seen by her grabbing another woman's breasts.

On that occasion she had been sitting in a friend's car driving along Micklegate when she saw the clown groping the woman.

When he spotted his original victim he went over to the car and thrust his groin at her.

The woman, who asked not to be named, said: "He was dressed as if he had just stepped out of a children's party. He grabbed hold of the car and started gyrating at me. It was quite strange to say the least. I was more bemused than shocked.

"This guy is obviously a complete and utter weirdo, and he needs to be caught. It wasn't like it was even during drinking time, when you expect to see some strange sights. Maybe he thinks that by disguising himself as a clown he can get away with his rude behaviour."

The clown was later seen shaking hands with children on nearby Ouse Bridge. Police said of the sighting that he was "very noticeable, but did not appear to be harassing anybody".

A police spokesman said: "Although this man may find his actions amusing, they do constitute a criminal offence and we are treating the matter seriously."

The incidents happened near to Edwards bar in Micklegate at about 4pm on Thursday and at about 7pm on Friday last week.

Updated: 09:29 Monday, June 17, 2002