A VILLAGE playgroup has launched an appeal for new premises - because its current building no longer fits the bill.

Leaders at the Swinton group spend more than an hour at the beginning and end of every play session hauling equipment to and from a storage shed.

Now they are on the hunt for a more appropriate venue, and are asking for help from anyone who knows of a plot of land where they might start building their foundations for the future.

Leader Tracey Young said: "We are finding it more difficult providing what we want to, where we are at the moment.

"After each session, we are even having to roll back the carpets and carry out big, heavy bookcases. For the sake of our backs, and to continue providing a good-quality education, we feel we really do need a building for our sole use."

Mrs Young said trustees of the Reading Room, where the group meets every morning, had been very supportive.

But she said it was time to think about moving to a purpose-built facility.

Equipment such as low-level storage cupboards would make it easier for the children to reach toys and games for themselves, she said.

"We don't need a lot of space, only about half-an-acre."

Mrs Young said everyone realised they had a long struggle ahead of them.

She said: "The parents are very committed to the group, but it's only by working jolly hard that we are all able to provide what we do.

"There are some rural fund schemes we might be able to tap into, but we would also be looking for local support.

"It's very early days yet and we are not expecting it to happen overnight."

But she added: "Our motivation is that this is something we can and will do for the local village children. We think it is achievable and it is something we are quite determined about."

If you can help the playgroup, contact Tracey on 01653 693489.

Updated: 10:29 Saturday, April 20, 2002