A MOTORIST whose lies led to her mother being summoned to appear before magistrates has been banned from driving for four months.

Samantha Anne Hayes, 29, was uninsured and had no test certificate for the car she steered down Green Lane, Acomb, York, Martin Butterworth, prosecuting, told York magistrates.

When police stopped her for a routine check and asked her name, she gave them her mother's and produced an insurance certificate that was later found to be invalid.

Police issued a summons against her mother, but before the older woman was due to appear before magistrates, Hayes phoned court officials and confessed her crimes.

Hayes, unemployed, of Oak Street, Poppleton Road, York, pleaded guilty to driving without insurance, driving without a test certificate and obstructing a police officer. Magistrates fined her £200 and ordered her to pay £55 costs. They banned her from driving for four months.

Hayes, who was unrepresented, said she regretted her actions. She had been concerned about family health problems at the time and had panicked when she was stopped.

Her father normally organised her insurance, but had failed to because of the same problems.

Updated: 10:36 Saturday, April 20, 2002