UNISON, the public service union, wholeheartedly supports Margaret Hunt (April 11) in calling for free care services for all pensioners.

Our branch in York helped propose a policy for free care at our last conference and, we're proud to say, as a result Unison is now leading the national Right To Care campaign to push this to the top of the political agenda. It's only right and fair that our elderly citizens, having contributed to society all their lives, should be cared for properly without having to pay.

We encourage everyone who agrees to join the campaign. Please write to your MP, and if you have Internet access, visit the Unison website (www.unison.org.uk) and sign our petition.

Ben Drake,

on behalf of York City Unison,

Danum Road,

Fulford, York.

Updated: 09:24 Saturday, April 20, 2002