I WAS shocked to read the Evening Press report on the frightening situation in the Middle East (April 10).

You carried a large photograph of a wrecked bus and a body being removed on a stretcher and reported that "at least nine people were killed" by a suicide bomber.

Your only reference to the plight of the Palestinians was that "fighting raged on in two West Bank refugee camps".

You did not say that reports of the carnage in these two crowded camps have been estimated at between 200 and 400 - so far.

The murders continue still, as Israel ignores the requests of the United Nations, the United States and the whole civilised world to stop fighting and pull out.

The Palestinians have lived in fear and in poverty for many years.

They have been totally dependent on the whims of their Israeli overlords for water, electricity, travel and much of their food.

They are subjected to daily humiliations and totally-unacceptable restrictions.

They do not have an army - yet the Israeli armed forces, enormously strong and well-equipped, terrorise them, destroy their homes, schools, administrative centres and imprison their elected head of state in cramped and insanitary conditions.

Then they expect these same Palestinians to accept dictated "peace" terms and their own subjugation.

Joyce Pickard,

Saville Grove,


...I WAS dismayed to read that Britain was one of a minority to vote against the United Nations resolution condemning Israeli action against the Palestinians.

After hearing such a long list of atrocities I cannot believe our representatives could fail to agree with the rest of the UN delegates that the Israeli offensive is unacceptable.

Why are we always out of step with the rest of Europe?

Could it be that we are afraid to disagree with American President George Bush?

Jean Frost,

Elmpark Way,


Updated: 10:51 Wednesday, April 17, 2002