A DELIVERY truck carried extra special cargo when it pulled up outside a York church on Saturday - a blushing bride.

All eyes were on Lynn Dickinson, 23, as she arrived in the 30ft lorry at St Philip and St James's Church in Clifton in time to wed Sean Rose, 30, who works as a distribution team leader at Carlsberg Tetley.

The couple, who live in Rawcliffe, tied the knot before making their way to their reception at Fairfield Manor, in the articulated lorry, which was on loan from the drinks company.

Sean, who has been a driver for 11 years, said it was his idea to use the lorry, and his fianc, who works for Transco in York, reluctantly agreed.

He said: "It was just something different really. Firemen use fire engines at their weddings, so I thought we could use the lorry.

"Lynn was not over-keen on it but we thought it would be OK."

Updated: 11:11 Monday, April 08, 2002