EVERYONE with a telephone has recently been issued with a new Yellow Pages Directory, a massive tome weighing in at 1.7kg or nearly 4lbs.

With each volume comes a request to recycle the old copies, but in York the only places where this is possible are Foss Islands Road and Strensall.

My little electric mobility scooter would be hard pressed to make it to either place.

I estimate that in our villages alone there will be five tonnes of these books relegated to the weekly refuse collection.

Add to this all the other locations from which the two collection points are inaccessible and this leaves hundreds of tonnes of recycleable materials being consigned to the ground.

Why are there not temporary collecting bins provided throughout the area to facilitate the salvage of this valuable commodity, and save quite a lot of land-fill space?

The City of York Council is supposed to be committed to improving the environment. Is this the best they can do?

Keith Smith,


Upper Poppleton,


Updated: 09:56 Monday, April 01, 2002