A Selby girl was today anxiously waiting for hospital test results after being stabbed by a used hypodermic needle.

The seven-year-old, who was walking on derelict land next to St James Church, is the third person to be stabbed by a syringe in that area in the last nine months.

She was walking with a friend when she stepped on the syringe at about 6.15pm yesterday.

The needle pierced her shoe and penetrated her foot.

The girl ran home to her parents who rushed her to a nearby doctor's surgery, before she was taken to Selby War Memorial hospital.

The girl will now undergo a series of blood tests to determine if she has picked up any diseases, which could include hepatitis.

The vicar of St James, the Rev David Woollard, was recently pricked by a used syringe and is still waiting to be given the all-clear.

He said: "I am shocked and terribly saddened for the girl and for her parents. We try to warn youngsters about going round the back there as it is not a safe place to be.

"It's absolutely awful. We are plagued by people who use the area to take drugs, drink alcohol and as a public toilet."

Niki Taylor-Draper, 29, secretary of St James's Play Area Committee, who want to turn the area into a children's play area, said the latest incident made her more determined to make the play area project a success.

She said: "These incidents just spur us on. It's disgusting what's happening."

The group's plans will be considered by Selby District Council's housing committee next Wednesday.

Updated: 14:58 Wednesday, March 13, 2002