SCRUFFY the dog is every postman's worst nightmare.

He may look like a sweet little thing but the short-fused mutt harbours a deep hatred of strangers.

Last year he took a disliking to a postman and bit his behind. As a result, the five-year-old Parson Jack Russell is skating on very thin ice.

Prior to the postman incident Scruffy had attacked a builder in the crotch.

And a local parish councillor suffered the same fate.

Owner Jill Bradshaw, who lives in Weaverthorpe, claims though he is a good natured dog, he seems to hate men.

"If he does it again we're worried its going to be...," she says, running a finger across her throat.

Since the incident, just before Christmas, Scruffy has gained a certain notoriety among staff at the Malton Royal Mail office.

"He was being walked by a young girl in the village and was sitting outside the Post Office when the postbus pulled up," explained Jill.

"As the postman walked past he lunged at him, pulling the girl off her bike."

The daily postbus, used to ferry letters and residents between Malton and Weaverthorpe, now has a notice stuck to the dashboard warning drivers to Beware of Scruffy.

As punishment Scruffy, named because of he likes rolling in sheep dung, and his owner were ordered to attend an anger management course with the Ryedale Dog Warden.

"We were taught that each time we thought the red mist was descending we were to say soothing words to him and stroke him," says Jill.

"It hasn't worked. We got him as an adult dog and I think he may have been mistreated by his previous owner.

"He doesn't like men. Once you're in the house and he knows you, though, he's lovely. He's got no problem with my husband and he's great with the kids.

"He is just a very protective guard dog."

Updated: 11:25 Wednesday, March 13, 2002