CRICKET clubs in the York area who are returning to nets are urged to pass on details of their club's history to their league secretaries.

The Evening Press is hoping to produce a magazine this summer containing a potted history of each Hunters the Estate Agent York and District League and Horwath Pulleyn Heselton York Vale League club.

It is also hoped to include a team picture of each club.

Club secretaries are asked to try to supply pictures directly to the Evening Press by contacting sports editor Martin Jarred on 01904 567136 as soon as possible.

Team pictures can also be taken at nets and sent in to him at the Evening Press sportsdesk, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO30 6AZ or via e-mail to

The deadline for pictures is Friday, May 17. Club histories should be sent to league secretaries as soon as possible.

Are you a business wanting to support the local cricket leagues? Contact Tanya Hobson on 01904 676767 to book your advertising space

Updated: 11:58 Friday, March 08, 2002