WHO gives you the best service when you go shopping?

Who's the person whose determination to do their best for you makes it a pleasure to get on the bus, to book a holiday, to send your children to school, to get the car fixed and to do business with them?

Who's the person whose sympathetic and professional approach helps you face a stay in hospital, a visit to the dentist or deal with authority?

At Servicemark Yorkshire & Humber, we want to know. We want you to nominate the best for the People's Award for Service Excellence in the Servicemark Yorkshire & Humber Customer Service Awards 2002.

All you have to do is ring our nomination hotline 0800 169 4317. We'll send you a form so you can tell us about the person you think deserves to win.

Etta Cohen,

Servicemark Yorkshire & Humber,


Updated: 10:37 Tuesday, March 12, 2002