EMILY Cook is celebrating her 107th birthday in style with a party attended by the Lord Mayor of York, Coun Irene Waudby.

Emily, of Lime Tree House Residential Care Home, Poppleton, is having a joint party for about 40 guests this afternoon with fellow resident, Gwen McDermott who turned 90 today.

Born in Scagglethorpe, near Malton, where her aunt and uncle ran the post office, Emily moved to Poppleton Road, York, as a young girl and attended Poppleton School.

After leaving school she served as a house maid in large houses in both York and Malton. She finished her working life as housekeeper to Tom Kirkby and his family in Norton, Malton.

When Mr Kirkby died, Emily inherited his cottage, living there until she moved to Lime Tree House at 97 to be near her niece, Eve Baron, of Poppleton.

Emily said she put her long life down to respecting other people and having a good cooked dinner with a glass of sherry every day.

Andrea Cree, Entertainments Co-ordinator of Lime Tree House, said: "Everyone is privileged to care for Emily with her being such a remarkable lady with a good sense of humour. She is always game for a laugh."

Former chairman of York Civic Trust, John Shannon, added: "Emily is a remarkable lady. I feel honoured to live at Lime Tree House with her and believe the other residents feel the same."

Updated: 09:13 Tuesday, February 26, 2002