COMPANIES in York and North Yorkshire are being offered an innovative on-line approach to achieving Investors in People status by using an interactive software package.

Called Laurel Online, the software programme is being offered by Business Link York and North Yorkshire to a limited number of companies with ten or more employees - whoever phones 01904 686000 first.

ESTEEM, the IT systems solutions provider at Thorp Arch, Wetherby, has been chosen to solve data storage capacity problems of the Institute of Physics Publishing and to improve performance of its websites for physicists throughout the world.

Institute of Physics Publishing, a not-for-profit publisher publishes 40 on-line journals and magazines and is a world leader in electronic publishing development.

THE hunt is on to find the venture which offers the best customer service in the Yorkshire region, with the first region-wide Servicemark awards to be staged at Le Meridien Queens Hotel, Leeds, on September 18, followed by a victory journey around the region for the winners on The British Pullmans of the Venice Simplon-Orient Express.

Updated: 10:58 Tuesday, February 26, 2002