I MUST respond to Cynthia Berry's breathless comments about being too soft on terrorists (February 6).

Does she not realise that if it weren't for US government policy, and the UK Government salivating in agreement, these so-called terrorists would probably not exist; or that they do what they do out of sheer desperation? Can she not look beyond the headlines and see what an utter sham all this is?

These "terrorists" don't lynch effigies of innocent people, nor do they burn US flags to keep warm. They do it out of frustration because while we get jam, and lots of it, they get nothing, and lots of it.

I'm no do-gooder. I wish I had half their courage. How hard your heart must be, Cynthia.

James Stewart,

Beech Grove, York.

Updated: 10:38 Monday, February 11, 2002