ALLEGATIONS that York Wasps owe the amateur rugby league set-up £1,750 have been rubbished by the club.

An article in one of the game's leading magazines has claimed that all the professional clubs in England owed British Amateur Rugby League Association a total of £36,550 in unpaid signing-on fees.

The figure of £1,750 - the equivalent of seven signing-on fees - was attributed to York Wasps.

However, Wasps chief executive Ann Garvey said: "We do not owe anything and that has been confirmed to us by the Rugby Football League.

"I knew that we didn't owe anything but the correct procedure was to double check with the RFL to make sure."

As it stands, Super League clubs must pay £500 when they sign junior players from amateur clubs, while Northern Ford Premiership clubs, like York, pay £250. That money should be paid to the RFL when players are registered and would then be passed on to the BARLA league to which the player's amateur club is affiliated.

Garvey said: "When we've signed the registration (of players), £250 always goes to the RFL and that gets forwarded.

"I wouldn't know when those figures (in the article) referred to but for at least three years since I've been here every player who has come to us from a BARLA club has been paid for.

"I was sure we did not owe anything and, like I've said, that has been confirmed."

Secretary of York and District ARL Spen Allison, who is also Yorkshire County ARL chairman, agreed. "York Rugby League do not owe ha'penny," he said.

"I can't speak for other leagues but we have an excellent relationship with York Wasps and all money that is due to us has been paid and is paid quickly.

"I'm not going to say all the figures in the article are inaccurate but I can say categorically that we are right up to date with York Wasps. As far as we're concerned the club has been very efficient."

The RFL have also denied the claims that its member clubs owe more than £36,000.

A spokesman said: "Our records show that just eight of the clubs' records published in the table associated with the report tally with our records, and the total figure is nothing like £36,000.

"Many of our member clubs are less than happy that this misleading report was published without the RFL being given the opportunity to comment on the content of the report or confirm that the amounts being attributed to our member clubs were correct."

League Express editorial chief Tim Butcher explained that the figures published were taken from a discussion document to be put forward at a meeting of the rugby league policy board, a joint body of BARLA and RFL.

He added: "It appears now that some clubs are disputing some of the figures. But as far as I know these figures are still going to be tabled at that meeting."

Updated: 12:00 Friday, February 01, 2002