BUS fares in York are to have a hefty rise for the second time in only five months.

The 11 per cent increase, due to take effect on February 11, has been immediately criticised by Liberal Democrat councillors.

In August, York bus operator First put up fares by an average of 12 per cent.

Peter Edwards, First's commercial manager, said: "The fares aren't going up until February 11 and we have had consultation with the council over the increase.

"One of the reasons for it has been because we have had to introduce new vehicles into the schedules in order to maintain reliability. It has been affected by congestion, largely caused by the roadworks on the A64."

Councillor Ann Reid, the Liberal Democrat's transport spokeswoman, said: "These proposed fare increases from First are quite simply out of order, and will add 5p to the cost of all single tickets, and 50p to the cost of a weekly pass.

"First blames traffic congestion in the city for the increase in fares.

"I fail to understand how increasing bus fares twice in five months, coupled with their inability to run a reliable service or listen to passenger concerns, will improve the situation.

"I fear that this move can only lead to more congestion as passengers vote with their feet, and reject public transport altogether.

"The last thing York needs is more cars on the road."

Updated: 12:13 Tuesday, January 29, 2002