A TERRIFIED teenager was robbed at knifepoint by a man who befriended him in a York shopping arcade.

The 16-year-old victim was in Stonegate Walk, between Stonegate and Blake Street, when he was approached by the man, who talked to him for about half an hour.

When the boy went to leave, he felt something sharp in his back. The man told him, "You know what that is", and asked him what he had in his pocket.

The teenager handed over his wallet, which contained £5 in cash, £35 in vouchers and a cash card. The man forced the youth to tell him his cash card PIN number, but the youth gave him a false number.

The man then threatened the youth and warned him not to go to the police.

Police said the youth was not hurt, but had been left badly shaken by the incident, which happened at about 2.45pm on Sunday.

The man was described as white, aged about 28, 5ft 8in tall, of medium build, with a round face and light brown hair. He also had a cut on the right side of his nose.

He was wearing a black padded jacket and a dark blue hat.

Anyone with information should call police in York on 01904 631321.

Updated: 15:10 Monday, January 28, 2002