RUNNER Dianne Owen is taking a massive stride in an effort to combat the disease suffered by her five-year-old son.

Pocklington Infant School pupil Robert was diagnosed with leukaemia four months ago.

His mother and her friend, Tracey Holden, who both live in the town, have vowed to raise more than £5,000 for research into the illness in this year's London Marathon. Training has already started for the gruelling 26-mile slog through the capital.

Dianne is determined nothing will stop her finishing.

"I'll crawl to the finish if I have to," she said.

"There is a lot of money already pledged and I'm very grateful for that. I have to get to the finish."

Sponsorship money will be donated to charity Children with Leukaemia, which funds research with the aim of improving survival rates and treatment.

"If Robert gets into difficulties, it's going to be three years down the line from now," said Dianne.

"Any research done now would be of benefit to him then, and to all the children that we've met while he's been receiving treatment. Robert knows that at the moment he's doing well, but some of the children he knows aren't. He says it's good that we're getting money to make them better."

This year's London Marathon will be run in April. Anybody who wants to sponsor Dianne can contact her on 01759 303992.

Updated: 11:25 Monday, January 28, 2002