WHAT a pleasure it was to be at Bootham Crescent on Tuesday night.

Despite all the happenings of the last two weeks the lads played like a team possessed and the bumper crowd was superb - singing and shouting the whole match long.

The spirit of football in York was shown to be alive and well. Long live football at Bootham Crescent.

Tom Robinson,

Main Street,

Hensall, Goole.

...HELL hath no fury as a chairman scorned.

It appears that Douglas Craig is one captain who is willing to see his ship go down with all passengers and crew from the comfort of his customised lifeboat.

Speaking of passengers, where are the remaining weasels from the BCH board hiding? By the letter box awaiting a cheque, perhaps?

This terrified trio, who weald as much power in the boardroom as a baby with barbells are now revealing their true colours.

The silence of Barry Swallow, for example, who has basked in the plaudits and hero worship from fans for many years, is deafening.

For Mr Swallow and his fellow Philistines to profit at the expense of the fans and the club that served him so well is a obnoxious prospect.

It is time they mirrored the action of Michael Rawnsley, did the decent thing and resigned leaving Mr Craig to drift away in his lifeboat, isolated.

Or they could pledge any profits following the sale to the new organisation or a local charity. The supporters have been supporting Mr Craig's personal charity for ten years.

Paul Howes,

Moor Lane,

Copmanthorpe, York.

...York City fans and football fans of other teams in the city must pull together and show potential new owners that support is here just waiting to be given real football, not the poor substitute we have had for six years or so.

I follow Wolves and York, but have not attended many City games in five years because of the negative way the club is being run, coupled with Mr Craig's arrogant attitude towards supporters.

But York City will survive because fans won't let it die.

There will be hard times ahead but the end result will be a club run by supporters for supporters. This is the start of a bright new beginning, so stand aside 'Judas' - let work begin.

Chris Kyte,




...WOULD it really be a disaster if York City goes under? I have my doubts.

The industrial communities which gave rise to most modern football clubs through works teams have long since gone.

Sadly, the once-great traditions set up by clubs in the first two thirds of the 20th century fell apart during the last 35 years. In that time, football clubs and their supporters have slid into a cesspit of greed.

The so-called supporter-base itself is not much better. Football culture has become a breeding ground for racism, fascism and mindless tribalism. Football is now just another money-making enterprise like any other. Let it go. There are more important things to worry about.

Graham Horne,

Beech Avenue,

Bishopthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:43 Thursday, January 17, 2002