IT'S a case of change of venue, and change of name for Hallmark Ltd, the York-based practice of independent financial advisers.

The seven-strong team has relocated from premises in Clifton Moor to River House, the illustrious Ouse-side building which was once Club Chambers, the base of the Yorkshire Club where London's 19th-century landed gentry stopped off while visiting their Yorkshire estates.

Now the practice has re-branded as Hallmark-ifa heralding a new phase of growth by launching a new fully-interactive website,

Through it customers can arrange policies online as well as buy and sell shares at discounted rates, track portfolio performance and follow world stock market movements and trade investments.

David Holbrook, managing director, said: "It's a very exciting time for the company. It's great to be back in the city centre and among so many business ventures who are investing in York and contributing to its growing reputation as a business centre."

Updated: 08:52 Tuesday, January 15, 2002