THE claim that Bootham Crescent Holdings acquired the assets of York City 'in the interests of the club' can now be seen to be untrue.

The reassuring fact for all fans was the knowledge that the club, unlike many, owned its own ground. If the worst was to happen we always knew that the club could sell its valuable assets and re-locate to a cheaper site, with probably enough money left to set it up for the foreseeable future.

Even up until Wednesday I was still giving Douglas Craig the benefit of the doubt.

I was imagining a scenario where any purchase of the ground would see him, and other shareholders, fairly reimbursed with the then hefty balance being available for the football club.

I should have known better. I wonder now why he ever became involved with the club.

How, also, can the likes of Barry Swallow, a former captain of the club, be supportive of this?

Most importantly, how can it possibly have been legal, or at least moral, for the shareholders of the club, under the leadership of the chairman, to transfer these assets to BCH?

Ben Howard,

Hull Road,


Updated: 12:45 Saturday, January 12, 2002