I WOULD like to respond to Helen Wright's accusation that York's Christmas decorations are dreary.

Maybe our lights are not the best in the country, but we have to congratulate the people behind the lights at the council. You can bet the budget they were given was not very big, and someone has taken the initiative to get sponsorship to get the show on the road.

I believe that outside contractors were used to mount the lights, and if the sponsors feel they haven't got value for money they can do two things: either not contribute next year or make sure that if they do, then a bigger and better show is required for their money.

Sponsorship seems to be the way forward these days. We see it everywhere, on fire engines, in the NHS and even on roundabouts on the roads.

I would say to the council, well done and keep your sponsors happy and we can look forward to a bigger better display next year at minimal cost to the council tax payers.

S Wilson,

Vesper Drive,



Updated: 11:16 Friday, January 04, 2002