HAVING become sick at heart from constantly noticing litter everywhere, I have taken it upon myself to pick up and bin many hundreds of pieces of litter. I wish to impress upon everyone the importance of showing some pride in the state of our environment.

Sadly, many seem indifferent to this issue, and it is all too easy to say things like "it is not my problem".

This is an issue we can all tackle together. It is not too much to ask people to put their rubbish in the bins provided or to keep it with them until they get home. Parents could ask their children not to litter the streets.

Those who notice anyone dropping litter should politely ask the offender to dispose of it properly.

Our environment matters, and I fervently request that all of us will make a New Year's resolution for 2002 to help make our streets litter free.

Paul Johnson,

Green Dike,

Wigginton, York.

Updated: 11:17 Friday, January 04, 2002