I SEE Dr Davis is attacking York again, this time at the expense of the funfair in Parliament Street (November 27). What has the funfair in Parliament Street got to do with a non-resident of York?

If Dr Davis doesn't like what he sees, so what? No one is asking him to slide down the helter skelter or hook a duck are they?

Dr Davis stated that a donation to charity would make it more acceptable. How does he work that out? For the record Dr Davis, the city centre manager's office is 20 yards further down the street and I'm sure Mr Wood would gladly explain to you the merits of the funfair in our city at this time of the year.

He will tell you that the funfair pays a rent to the council for the duration of its stay and this in turn is used to pay for four Christmas trees at various locations in our city and the remainder goes towards refurbishment of street furniture which, unfortunately, suffers its fair share of vandalism.

So Dr Davis, money generated is not stashed away for a rainy day, it is put to good use for the residents of our city.

Does Dr Davis's home town of Cockermouth have a funfair, Santa's grotto or public Christmas trees?

I'm going to the Lake District shortly so I'll look for myself. Rest assured Dr Davis, if I don't like what I see, a non-resident of Cockermouth will be moaning to its local paper!

P R Willey,

Burnholme Drive, York.

...Unlike Dr K Davis (Letters, November 27) I enjoyed the carnival atmosphere in central York on Saturday afternoon.

The fairground organ in St Sampson's Square, the busy market stalls, hot chestnut vendor and mini-funfair all contributed to a festive spirit. The crowds were happy and good-natured.

It was good to see York thriving despite last year's floods and the present highways blockade. Commercial it may have been but that is the essence of business and vital to any living city.

What is the alternative?

An entrance fee to watch paid actors dressed in Dickensian costume wishing you a Merry Christmas?

If that's what you want then you can go to Disneyland.

No Dr Davis, this is York.

Annie Wright,

Aston Science Park,

Love Lane, Birmingham.

Updated: 11:42 Friday, November 30, 2001