A NEW feed additive aimed at the dairy cow's liver is said to increase milk yields.

Research was carried out by Provimi Worldwide, the parent company of NuTec Animal Nutrition and Health. Sion Richards of that firm offers the following explanation:"During lactation, the liver's metabolic activity increases, blood flow doubles and oxygen uptake and glucose output increase nearly three fold.

"There is also an increased demand for energy which is met by feeding energy-dense diets that are high in fat and also from the cow's own body reserves.

"As a result, too much fat hits the liver and it starts to build up, reducing the ability of the liver to function efficiently, with a knock-on effect on milk production."

As a solution, NuTec has developed the feed additive LiFT. The firm reports that tests of the product on the dairy herd at Myerscough College, in Lancashire, showed consistently increased milk yields of 3.4 litres per cow during the first 12 weeks of lactation.

Updated: 12:48 Thursday, November 15, 2001