SAND Hutton Primary School have received a smart new football kit from Griffon Forest Holiday Lodges - thanks to a letter sent by one of their pupils, writes Tony Curtis.

Henry Mook was so fed up with playing in "old, sickly yellow, horrible shirts" and in netball bibs that he wrote, unbeknown to his teachers, to Michael Hogg, who set up the Flaxton-based company, asking for help to buy a new kit.

And after receiving the passionate plea from the football mad nine-year-old, Griffon Forest were happy to help. Manager Julian Darnley said: "We just couldn't ignore Henry's plight, especially when he wrote that some of the team were having to play in netball bibs!"

Teacher and trainer of the school football team Catherine Naylor added: "The school is very grateful to Griffon Forest."

The strip has had an immediate effect for the school as they beat Stockton-on-Forest 2-0 in their first match wearing it. Henry is pictured above, fifth from left with his team-mates celebrating victory.

Updated: 11:42 Saturday, October 27, 2001