THE kind acts of a York care worker have led to a diamond wedding couple getting a letter from the Queen - even though it was three months late.

Wilfred and Dolly Larcum, of Huntington Road, York, celebrated their anniversary on July 26, but were disappointed when they failed to get the card from the Queen they had expected.

Care worker Colin Lea, who works for Age Concern, stepped in and wrote to Buckingham Palace to explain that the couple had missed out.

Three months later, a belated card arrived from London to congratulate the couple.

Dolly, 81, said it was a wonderful surprise.

"We got a nice card from the Queen congratulating us both and a beautiful picture of her.

"When the postwoman came I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't see what it was. But she told me it was from Buckingham Palace and I felt really excited," she said.

Dolly said she wished Colin "could come every day" to their home.

"My husband suffers from Alzheimer's disease and finds it difficult to remember people but he always recognises Colin," she added.

The couple married at St Barnabas Church, Leeman Road, after meeting at a 21st birthday party.

They have one daughter, two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Updated: 11:27 Saturday, October 27, 2001